Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mountain Climbing vs. Hiking

Many times I ask the question, "What did you do in the weekend?"
I get varied answers but a common one is "I went mountain hiking"

WOW, awesome, adventurous and outgoing. Not what I expected at all.

Unfortunately my student didn't really go mountain climbing. PaShan

Pa = climb
Shan  = Mountain

Ok, so that's the literal translation. But not the correct activity in English.

You would have gone hiking. I.e. you walked up/around a mountain. Mountain climbing is when you climb Mt. Everest, you might have to do some rock climbing too. (This is not exactly true when talking about the mountains in south america as they're not so steep so you can hike up them, but they are so high, you'd definately say it's mountain climbing)

If you and your family friends are walking around Yangminshan, or Gushan then you'd be hiking.

I when hiking around GuShan on Saturday with my family. We saw some monkeys.

Personally I hate hiking. Why? Because I had to do it all the time when I was in Elementary and Junior High School. Hiking in the forest...again. Oh look, a tree, a bird...again!

Mountain biking might be more my cup of tea.

Would you like to go mountain climbing? Or simply go hiking?